Timing (Speaking skills beyond the public 1)
Timing devices

Are you afraid of public speaking?  You are not alone!  Public speaking is still quoted as being one of the most common fears.  It takes determination, practice and support to put yourself on stage and overcome that fear.  But the benefits of becoming a better public speaker go way beyond the ability to speak in […]

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Ethos Logos Pathos – The Three Appeals of Persuasive Speaking
triangle building

Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote that in order to persuade an audience, you need three appeals: Ethos, Logos and Pathos.  Now often referred to as the Rhetorical Triangle, here’s what that means and how to use them when writing a presentation.  Ethos = Credibility Ethos is your authority as a speaker.  Why are you the right […]

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Speaking Diversity
Diversity of people

Diversity is a huge topic being tackled in many ways throughout business and society. Given its history, the property industry in no exception. How does diversity in speaking relate? I recently attended a public speaking competition.  All of the participants were brilliant.  Was the winner the best public speaker?  Probably.  Were they the person I […]

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The Technicalities of Feedback
technical screen

Recently I watched a friend practice a technical speech at our public speaking club.  This was in anticipation of him delivering the presentation at an industry conference.  I didn’t understand the presentation. He’d written it for an audience which would.  As he should have.  But this made giving feedback challenging. Thinking about your audience is […]

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The Basics of Body Language
model of body

Body language is a huge subject.  There are numerous books written about it.  Some people are naturally great (or have practiced hard to become great) at using the many nuances of body language when speaking.  I’m not one of them (and that’s OK as I’ve mentioned in other blogs).  But I appreciate the importance of […]

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Closing with Conviction
sunset - the day's closing

Just like you only get one chance to make a first impression, the same is true about leaving a lasting impression with your closing.  How you open determines whether the audience is likely to listen to the rest of your speech.  How you close determines what they are likely to remember (and do) after it.  […]

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Opening Effectively
Opening door

Where to begin?  It’s an important aspect of every communication.  I’m referring to the start of a speech, presentation or any situation where you need to talk for more than a couple of sentences.  I’m purposefully calling it the “opening” here, to differentiate from your “introduction” – a related, but different aspect of speaking where […]

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Learn from the Best
Tower of London

If you want to learn from some of the best public speakers in the world, go to the Tower of London and take a tour with the Yeoman Warders (colloquially known as Beefeaters). Between 2022 and 2023, I worked at Historic Royal Palaces, the charity that looks after six of the UK’s unoccupied royal palaces, […]

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women making sshhh gesture

One of the best ways to improve how you come across as a speaker is to cut out filler words.  Often known as the “ums and ahs”, they fill in silences when a speaker is thinking about what to say next. It isn’t just ums and ahs that are fillers.  Speakers often use other words […]

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Supportive slides
projector for slides

One of the most common complaints about any seminar or presentation is that the speaker has put a lot of text on a slide and is reading it out.  There really is no point to that.  If there is just a lot of text on a slide, the audience could easily have read this themselves.  […]

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