Selling Yourself – Communication Clarity
Telescope giving clarity to a picture

Does the question “what are your strengths and weaknesses?” send shivers down your spine?  In interview and networking situations, selling yourself is important. You need to be able to communicate your skills and expertise clearly.  You may not get this exact question, but articulating how your particular skillset will add value is likely to come […]

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Realising Your Strength – Part 2

After writing my blog last year about yoga, practicing a skill and realising your strengths, I decided to see what I could do about my lack of knowledge of how to headstand.  At the time I’d been regularly practicing yoga for over a year, but at that time had put headstands in the “too hard” […]

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Authentic evolution

I’ve said in the past that I am a totally different person from the one I was 15 years ago.  Others have noticed this too. Those who met me back then came across an extremely quiet individual.  Someone who hardly ever spoke up in meetings.  A person unsure how she could contribute to a team.  […]

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Leaving your comfort zone (in a safe way)

Both introverts and extroverts have comfort zones, they’re just different.  When introverts are asked to leave their comfort zone, it is to do something that comes more naturally to extroverts; for example attending large, crowded, noisy networking events.  Similarly yet conversely, extroverts probably find it difficult to sit still and concentrate in detailed meetings for […]

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Speaking up

I often hear from friends and colleagues of pointless meetings, uninspiring leaders and frustrating relationships (something I’ve blogged about before).  I believe they tell me about these things because they know of my love of governance and especially Roberts Rules of Order in running an effective meeting. Plus public speaking is a passion. What is […]

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Bragging…the introverted way

I’ve had many roles in not-for-profit organisations, including national president (chair); leading a board of volunteers from across the county.  Although I’m not exactly reticent about my love for these organisations, I don’t shout about the achievement of being National President of JCI as much as I probably should.  The more I come into contact […]

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Memory skills : skills memory

Just before I started to learn the piano in 2018 (a life-long goal), I picked up my flute for the first time in more than 15 years to try to remind myself how to read music.  I found that the ability to play some pieces came back far quicker than I had anticipated.  Knowing how […]

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Practice Makes…Proficient

I am a perfectionist, there is no way of getting around that.  It’s in my nature and if not managed, it can hold me back from moving forwards, due to a need for everything to be just right before finalising a report, making a decision, putting something new out there. Contrast this with learning, which […]

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Starting with Why

I first joined a voluntary organisation because I wanted to do something good for my community and meet some interesting new people.  As I got more involved, I was quickly drawn into attending workshops and putting the skills being trained into practice via projects and committee roles.  I realised the benefits these activities could bring […]

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Realising Your Strength

At a yoga class the other week (before the shut down), I realised that I was getting into positions without thinking (too much) about them that I never could have achieved a year ago.  With regular practice, my strength and skills have gradually improved and I’ve come a long way without having noticed. Practice makes […]

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