Realising Your Strength – Part 2

After writing my blog last year about yoga, practicing a skill and realising your strengths, I decided to see what I could do about my lack of knowledge of how to headstand.  At the time I’d been regularly practicing yoga for over a year, but at that time had put headstands in the “too hard” […]

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Choosing your feedback

Feedback is one of the most valuable resources we have in developing.  Learning how to use it wisely is a skill in itself.  Feedback is after all only one person’s opinion and one person’s opinion may not be representative.  Accepting that you’ll never please everyone is an important lesson in not driving yourself crazy with […]

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Speaking up

I often hear from friends and colleagues of pointless meetings, uninspiring leaders and frustrating relationships (something I’ve blogged about before).  I believe they tell me about these things because they know of my love of governance and especially Roberts Rules of Order in running an effective meeting. Plus public speaking is a passion. What is […]

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