Choosing your feedback

Feedback is one of the most valuable resources we have in developing.  Learning how to use it wisely is a skill in itself.  Feedback is after all only one person’s opinion and one person’s opinion may not be representative.  Accepting that you’ll never please everyone is an important lesson in not driving yourself crazy with […]

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Personality Perspectives on Public Speaking

My last blog was on leaving your comfort zone in general and how this might be different for introverts and extroverts.  I wanted to explore the theme of comfort zone in the context of public speaking.  Public speaking is often seen as way outside of an introvert’s comfort zone. Extroverts are classed as more natural […]

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Leaving your comfort zone (in a safe way)

Both introverts and extroverts have comfort zones, they’re just different.  When introverts are asked to leave their comfort zone, it is to do something that comes more naturally to extroverts; for example attending large, crowded, noisy networking events.  Similarly yet conversely, extroverts probably find it difficult to sit still and concentrate in detailed meetings for […]

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