Closing with Conviction
sunset - the day's closing

Just like you only get one chance to make a first impression, the same is true about leaving a lasting impression with your closing.  How you open determines whether the audience is likely to listen to the rest of your speech.  How you close determines what they are likely to remember (and do) after it.  […]

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Opening Effectively
Opening door

Where to begin?  It’s an important aspect of every communication.  I’m referring to the start of a speech, presentation or any situation where you need to talk for more than a couple of sentences.  I’m purposefully calling it the “opening” here, to differentiate from your “introduction” – a related, but different aspect of speaking where […]

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The Power of Purpose…in Speaking
Dart hitting the target demonstrating the importance of knowing the point/purpose/target of your speech to deliver effectively

Purpose can be defined as the reason for which something is done or created; its aim or intention; essentially its why.  If you haven’t watched Simon Sinek’s TedX talk on Golden Circles, I highly recommend it.  It is one of the most famous speeches of its kind, because it eloquently explains the power of starting […]

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