Practice Makes…Proficient

I am a perfectionist, there is no way of getting around that.  It’s in my nature and if not managed, it can hold me back from moving forwards, due to a need for everything to be just right before finalising a report, making a decision, putting something new out there. Contrast this with learning, which […]

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The Inextricable Link Between Confidence and Public Speaking

As a child, I really struggled with confidence.  I was incredibly shy and quiet – the person in school who actually got told off for not talking.  As such I’m fascinated with confidence – is there such a thing as being “naturally” confident, how does someone go about gaining confidence, what makes you appear confident?  […]

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Realising Your Strength

At a yoga class the other week (before the shut down), I realised that I was getting into positions without thinking (too much) about them that I never could have achieved a year ago.  With regular practice, my strength and skills have gradually improved and I’ve come a long way without having noticed. Practice makes […]

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