Setting the stage for speaking success

You could have an amazing presentation, but if the set up of your speech is off, it could derail your impact before you’ve even begun. To achieve speaking success, ensure you have prepared, not just your speech, but also your stage. Setting the scene One key thing I’ve learnt since joining an advanced speakers group […]

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Choosing your feedback

Feedback is one of the most valuable resources we have in developing.  Learning how to use it wisely is a skill in itself.  Feedback is after all only one person’s opinion and one person’s opinion may not be representative.  Accepting that you’ll never please everyone is an important lesson in not driving yourself crazy with […]

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Personality Perspectives on Public Speaking

My last blog was on leaving your comfort zone in general and how this might be different for introverts and extroverts.  I wanted to explore the theme of comfort zone in the context of public speaking.  Public speaking is often seen as way outside of an introvert’s comfort zone. Extroverts are classed as more natural […]

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Projecting not shouting

Quiet is the name of Susan Cain’s seminal book on introverts.  Anyone who identifies as an introvert has inevitably been asked “why are you so quiet?” at some (in reality probably many) points in their life.  Introverts think before speaking, so don’t just say whatever is in their head, often hesitating to say anything at […]

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Speaking up

I often hear from friends and colleagues of pointless meetings, uninspiring leaders and frustrating relationships (something I’ve blogged about before).  I believe they tell me about these things because they know of my love of governance and especially Roberts Rules of Order in running an effective meeting. Plus public speaking is a passion and now […]

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Slowing down

A typical Toastmasters speech is between five and seven minutes long.  When I first started out in Toastmasters, I would write around 800 words and delivering this length of speech would take around six minutes.  Now, if I write more than 700 words for a speech, I’m in serious danger of going over the time […]

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Memory skills : skills memory

Just before I started to learn the piano in 2018 (a life-long goal), I picked up my flute for the first time in more than 15 years to try to remind myself how to read music.  I found that the ability to play some pieces came back far quicker than I had anticipated.  Knowing how […]

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Communication Congruence

If you’ve ever done some kind of communication training, you’ve probably heard some discourse on the relative importance of the content of what you say, how you say it (tone of voice) and what your appearance conveys (facial expression and body language). You may have seen this chart: This is based on research by Professor […]

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Practice Makes…Proficient

I am a perfectionist, there is no way of getting around that.  It’s in my nature and if not managed, it can hold me back from moving forwards, due to a need for everything to be just right before finalising a report, making a decision, putting something new out there. Contrast this with learning, which […]

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Starting with Why

I first joined a voluntary organisation because I wanted to do something good for my community and meet some interesting new people.  As I got more involved, I was quickly drawn into attending workshops and putting the skills being trained into practice via projects and committee roles.  I realised the benefits these activities could bring […]

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